You are here: 11. Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications > 11.3. Common Procedures > Using the Screen Keyboard

Using the Screen Keyboard

In Micronet Mobile Applications, a screen keyboard displays in fields where you can enter text. This keyboard is extremely versatile, providing you with a number of different options for entering text. There is a text keyboard, a numeric keyboard (which includes special characters) and a keyboard where you can store frequently used text and phrases to reduce your keyboard entry. Every time the screen keyboard displays, it displays in the layout appropriate to the field where you need to enter text. For example, if it is a numeric field, the numeric keyboard is displayed; if it is a text field, the text keyboard is displayed. Where appropriate, you can switch between these various layouts to find the one that best suits your purpose.

The following sections explain how to switch between the various layouts and how to use each screen layout.